Sunday, August 31, 2008

Morphy's Fish Tank

Hello Manifestites! Last post I believe I was roll building. Yeah, I had an issue where a supposed friend of mine busted one of my accounts (yes, my fault for giving the password out, no need to discuss that), and I lost all interest in playing for a while, so I cashed out what I had on the other site I play on and left poker again for a while. I got a rakeback a while back from FullTilt and have been playing on that. At this time it's unknown whether or not I'll continue playing, as the trust I had in this person was crushed. Enough about that...

I do have 2-3 blog posts coming, and I'll just say "soon" for the timeframe. One is the way overdue next installment of The List post, and the other is a collection of IM chats I've had at work that have to be seen to be believed (but not necessarily understood!).

However, the reason for this post is to announce a new blog I started. I'm starting up a new fish tank and have never had a chance to document a tank from start to "finish"...I hate to use the word finish because a tank is a living, evolving thing, but it's the best word for it at this time. So I bring you:

Morphy's Fish Tank (

Enjoy, and until next time!

Yours Donkily,


1 comment:

Kelly said...

your boy 8TylerDurden was spotted on Pokerstars in a PLO game and went on a rant. I googled him and saw your blog. Classic