Tuesday, October 02, 2007

PLO Pied Piper of Donks, Part 6

Hello Manifestites! The Pied Piper has once again found a table full of maggots to play against. Yes, you guessed it, time for video #6. Not much else to say, so enjoy!


Yours Donkily,


1 comment:

twitter said...

matt57225 (Observer): can someone please send me 5
cents on ultimate bet?
matt57225 (Observer): i have 5 cents on there i just need
5 more for rsb
mrjoecoool: moron
JamesBakerBong: hahaaha
JamesBakerBong: oh thats sooo funny
matt57225 (Observer): james please man
matt57225 (Observer): can u?
JamesBakerBong: no, for so many reasons... but mainly
cuz im laughing too hard
matt57225 (Observer): can anyone?
matt57225 (Observer): just 5 cents
matt57225 (Observer): pls
Jordy Myers: nah..too stoned
matt57225 (Observer): aww man it will take like 1 minute